HUMAC Reports
Visualize test results using the variety of powerful reports available within the HUMAC Software.
The HUMAC Software includes a variety of Test, Progress, Group Summary, and Exercise Reports. On this page, you’ll find a collection of the most popular reports. If you do not see a report you need, please connect with us so we can see if it exists or talk alternatives.
Test results can be exported to a spreadsheet or text file. Also available is the real-time collection of torque, position, and velocity data via auxiliary outputs to all brands of EMG. This feature is standard on the HUMAC NORM machine and HUMAC Upgrade service.

Torque vs. Position Summary
The Short Torque vs. Position Report provides a synopsis of the patient’s performance. From the top down this report includes Report Heading, Test Pattern, Patient Background, Torque vs. Position Curves, Low-Speed Results, followed by High-Speed Results. Included are Co-efficient of Variation, Body Weight, and Agonist/Antagonist Ratios.
Curve Overlay
The Curve Overlay Report makes it simple to document a deficit. This report overlays the involved and uninvolved side torque curves and creates the difference curve. Ideally, the torque curves are identical and the difference curve runs along the bottom of the graph. In this example, the subject has an obvious deficit in extension from 90 to 40 degrees. The greatest deficit is 31% at 70 degrees.

Narrative Report
The HUMAC Narrative Report is ideal for sharing test results with physicians, insurers, and patients. And because it starts with a template coupled with auto-populating fields (name, physician, diagnosis, treatment, goals, numeric and graphic results) in MS Word it only takes seconds to generate. Plus it can be edited.
Keep your patients on track with the HUMAC Progress Report. Select an initial test, a follow-up test and HUMAC compares the two. Progress Report includes the name of the facility, test pattern, patient information, graphic, and numeric comparison of test results. This report includes the change in performance for the uninvolved and involved sides.

Group Summary
Sometimes patients want to know how they compare to others with a similar demographic, diagnosis, and treatment. Are they on, ahead, or behind the expected performance curve? This is where the HUMAC Group Summary Module is a must. With HUMAC Group Summary you can compare an individual patient’s test results to the average of a group of patient tests you collected based on pattern, protocol, and demographic. Results can be exported to a Microsoft Access table or printed with a comparison of the individual to the group.
Isometric Test
The Isometric Report provides a synopsis of the patient’s performance at a specific point in the range of motion. From the top-down, this report includes Report Heading, Test Pattern, Patient Background, Torque vs. Time Curves, and Numeric results for each of the measured angles. Included are: Co-efficient of Variation, Body Weight, and Agonist/Antagonist Ratios.

Per Repetition Test
The HUMAC Per Repetition Report includes all of the measured parameters for every repetition.
Repeatability Test
The Repeatability Test is helpful to determine if the patient understands how to perform the test and if yes if the patient is giving a consistent effort. This test is typically associated with return to work and injury compensation patients.

Multi-Session Exercise
Use the Multi-Session Report to track trends in performance over time. If a precise measurement of improvement is required we recommend performing a test and using the Progress Report. The test procedure is more formal and therefore offers a better measurement of change in performance.
The Roadway Report documents a patient’s ability to control moving a fixed weight, i.e. Isotonic Training. The User selects a velocity and a distance for the patient to match. The Report shows the patient’s ability to stay “on the road” during concentric and eccentric contractions. The Roadway can also be used to track muscle contraction.